The Foundational Charism
Process of What Happened
(with captions)
Dear Friends,
In May, we were able to participate from a distance with the cursillistas in Mallorca in the celebration of “Semana Eduardo Bonnín” (Eduardo Bonnín Week) on the occasion of Eduardo’s birthday week. The circumstances of our time created a need for a new form for sharing the message of Eduardo’s mentality with all of its strength and authenticity. And then, we right away saw the need to bring the ‘festival of thoughts’ to the English-speaking cursillistas following the same model and mentality to bring you A WEEK WITH EDUARDO. We didn’t realize how the Holy Spirit would blow around the world once again, as He did, when He took Eduardo around the world to help the Cursillo in Christianity Movement begin. We watched in admiration as the registrations grew to almost 400 participants from almost 30 countries, touching every continent. What a response! We recognize this cascade of responses as a hunger for the message that God in Christ loves us in the manner our dear friend Eduardo proclaimed it with his whole life in humility and generosity; of a Christ that is alive, normal and near.
FEBA USA, in friendship with Fundación Eduardo Bonnín Aguiló (FEBA), is a small group of friends but also a power house of prayer and talent placed at the service of making Eduardo’s legacy known to the ends of the earth. Just as he well said in the Charism rollo he gave in Korea in 1997, “Let there be the minimal organization necessary at the service of what normally is understood as common sense so that everything will be swift and clear and at the pace required by the message, thus protecting it from brilliant, improvised or makeshift “improvements”. And with this thought in mind and to be faithful to it we have found it best to keep this celebration simple but on target.
All of the articles we have sent and more can be found at our website as well as the Mallorca website which has much more although still mostly in Spanish We are making a concerted effort to continue the process of translation as well as transcribing as much of those articles and videos as possible. Slowly but surely, we take great care to reach the best possible translation while keeping the message, tone and style unique to Eduardo as much intact as possible. Not all the memorable photos, writings and videos are in the hands of FEBA because as we realize, innumerable memories have been recorded throughout the world of Eduardo’s countless trips.
We are enriched by the possibility this virtual gathering has now provided for us to continue to communicate and spread Eduardo’s mentality. We will be praying and planning the Festival of Thoughts for next year and meanwhile we welcome your comments and suggestions. (Email us at It has been a great pleasure to share this exciting and enjoyable week with you. We have done all we could to provide you with the mentality of he, who was the founder of the Cursillos in Christianity, recipient of its Charism through the Holy Spirit and above all a friend of Christ and of man.